Archive by Author
Too many young moms in the Bronx
Posted on 05. Dec, 2009 by Maria Clark.
I was up in the Bronx yesterday talking to two 17-year-old mothers. Both girls started taking parenting classes with a group called the Bronx Teen Parenting program over a year ago. The service is excellent and really should be expanded through the borough, considering it has consistently had the highest teen pregnancy rates in NYC […]
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I love me some party-crashers
Posted on 29. Nov, 2009 by Maria Clark.
Sure they are media whores. Sure they are looking to cash in on their stunt. It won’t be long until they make the rounds of talk shows. Till Valerie Bertinelli and the guy who played Will on Will and Grace, portray Michaele and Tareq Salahi in some Lifetime movie. There will be books, there will […]
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Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!
Posted on 22. Nov, 2009 by Maria Clark.
Turkey day is almost here. I love every single thing minute of that meal down to the food coma that makes me collapse on my bed by 10. Hell, I love it so much I am celebrating it with two meals this week. On Saturday at the Stop and Shop in Astoria, shopping carts were […]
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Guantanamo Bay Detainees Get their Day in Court (FINALLY)
Posted on 15. Nov, 2009 by Maria Clark.
Obama’s first move as president is becoming a reality. Guantanamo Bay prisoners are finally being brought to court. Of the 240 detainees, 30 cases have already been heard and dismissed. Some prisoners even got the opportunity to testify by video transmitted from Cuba to the panel of 15 federal judges. But as the government accelerates […]
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Sentenced to life in prison as a child
Posted on 08. Nov, 2009 by Maria Clark.
It’s been a pretty historic weekend. The 20-year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a momentous advance in health care that might mean almost everyone in the United States will have health insurance and ok the Yankees World Series Parade. Tomorrow, another important decision will be made for some 77 inmates who have […]
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Health care reform for dummies
Posted on 08. Nov, 2009 by Maria Clark.
While the health care debate raged on, there were many, myself included, who had trouble understanding the controversial nature of the bill. For months the words “public option” were tossed at us in articles and broadcasts, but with little explanation on how they would affect the average American. Now that this bill won approval in […]
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Swine Flu is now a national emergency
Posted on 25. Oct, 2009 by Maria Clark.
The president announced last week that he was officially declaring the H1N1 outbreak a national emergency. This allows hospitals to open off-site emergency rooms to speed up treatment and protect non-infected patients. Production of the H1N1 vaccine has been delayed and the disease is now more prevalent than ever. Only 11 million doses out of […]
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Yaay Michelle Obama can Hula Hoop
Posted on 25. Oct, 2009 by Maria Clark.
The media’s been kind of obsessed with kid’s games lately. Think about it. We chased a balloon for over a week. Depending on what publication you read, we’re still chasing it. That damn balloon overshadowed the president’s first visit to New Orleans, it got more mention than advances in the first semi-functional AIDS vaccine. So […]
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Is there an end in sight for the "Don't ask Don't tell policy?"
Posted on 11. Oct, 2009 by Maria Clark.
I started out this year like many other fellow liberals happy that Obama was making changes to move our country past the 1950s. He pledged to close Guantanamo Bay and he repealed Bush’s ban on providing aid to foreign clinics that perform abortions within the first few weeks. But as the year has worn on […]
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…and the Nobel Peace Prize goes to Obama?
Posted on 11. Oct, 2009 by Maria Clark.
It’s been almost a year since Obama’s historic election and so far the change we can believe in has yet to come true. Sure he’s addressed issues others in his job post have pushed under the rug. On Day 1 he issued an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay. Ten months later the prison is […]