Thanks for the Memories
Posted on 14. Dec, 2009 by Kaili Boyd in Uncategorized
In the past three months I’ve learned a lot about opinion writing. I’ve learned first and foremost that having an opinion and being able to write about it coherently are two entirely different things. I’ve learned that it’s easy to piss off your readers and not so easy to get them to think, hmm, I never thought of it that way. I’ve also learned that mustaches and seal claps are not a good look for some people (some of whom need to realize this for themselves). And I’ve also learned that writing from what you know can go a lot farther than writing about what you think you know, or what someone else thinks you need to write about. At this point I can honestly say – while I’ve learned a lot more about the Obama presidency that I might have originally intended, I still know nothing about politics. I don’t understand the need to make a fuss about the simple things in life, or to unnecessarily complicate what should be simple. I don’t understand how the need to make someone else look bad (or taint their legacy) can out way the need to do the right thing. And I don’t understand the need to call someone else out for flaws that we all possess, just because the other person’s dirty laundry is visible and our is not.
So to politics and the Obama Blog I say, thanks for the memories. I’m glad for the learning experience. Because what I have learned is that I have no desire to write about politics although I think my opinion could be useful in another space. Just as long as its not a column discussing Tiger’s Wood.
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