Tag Archives: Afghanistan
Begun, Obama's War Has . . .
Posted on 03. Dec, 2009 by Nicholas Martinez.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . . In the wake of an escalating civil war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Republic Chancellor Palpatine (later revealed to be the evil Sith Lord Darth Sidious) received supreme executive powers, authority which he used to change the […]
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Mike and Collin Tackle the Presidency
Posted on 10. Nov, 2009 by Collin Orcutt.
Fellow “Obama Presidency” blogger Mike Preston and I were discussing the Ft. Hood shootings over lunch today. At first, we tried to figure out what to make of the tragedy. But then Mike presented an interesting idea. He wondered if the shootings were reflective of something bigger, a darker mood emanating from the American people. […]
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Hoh To Washington: We Need Change In Afghanistan
Posted on 28. Oct, 2009 by Nicholas Martinez.
Of all the protests made in opposition to the Afghanistan War, this one stands as the most interesting – – and quite possibly the most refreshing. Matthew Hoh, a retired Marine who served in Iraq and the top U.S. civilian official in Zabul Province, resigned his commission with the State Department in protest of the […]
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David Frum – The Man That Knows Too Much?
Posted on 06. Oct, 2009 by Nicholas Martinez.
David Frum – – some people praise him, others want to run him out of politics completely. Some even think that he’s so politically confused, that he might just have a Jekyll and Hyde complex. But, what many people can agree on is that he loves drawing attention to himself. In his his most recent […]