Archive by Author
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Posted on 27. Sep, 2009 by Michael Preston.
Last week, in a remote part of Kentucky, a federal census worker was found murdered under mysterious circumstances. The man, Bill Sparkman, was found naked and bound in a national forest with a noose around his neck, his Census I.D. duct taped to his forehead, and the word “fed” scrawled on his chest. At this […]
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The Death of Star Wars?
Posted on 18. Sep, 2009 by Michael Preston.
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan laid out the Strategic Defense Initiative (aka “Star Wars), an ambitious ground and space based system that would protect the United States from an intercontinental ballistic missile attack from the Soviet Union. When it was announced, it sounded like something out of the other Star Wars, and, in fact, it’s […]
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Why I Can't Take the 9/12 Movement and the GOP Seriously
Posted on 13. Sep, 2009 by Michael Preston.
I must confess I don’t posses the intellect needed to assess the actions and motivations behind Glenn Beck’s “9/12 Project”, a conflation of disparate conservative activist groups which culminated with a march on Washington, D.C. yesterday to protest…what exactly? Taxes? Spending? Health care reform? The creeping socialist/Nazi/Islamofascism policies of the Hussein X Obama Stalin administration? […]
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Posted on 02. Sep, 2009 by Michael Preston.
To jump off the question of narratives in Peter’s initial post, I think President Obama’s address to both houses of Congress this coming Wednesday on health care might go a long way to proving which is correct. There’s no question that after a string of early victories (the stimulus, S-CHIP, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay […]