Archive by Author
Thanks for the Memories
Posted on 14. Dec, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
In the past three months I’ve learned a lot about opinion writing. I’ve learned first and foremost that having an opinion and being able to write about it coherently are two entirely different things. I’ve learned that it’s easy to piss off your readers and not so easy to get them to think, hmm, I […]
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Jobs Report Strong In Comparison to What?
Posted on 07. Dec, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
Are this month’s lowered jobless reports really anything to celebrate? So unemployment has made .2% dip, down to 10%. This is still the highest jobless rate in the last 26 years. And lets also consider that the jobless rate doesn’t give an accurate picture of how many people are unemployed; those numbers only cover the […]
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Baucus’ Beeswax
Posted on 07. Dec, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
In a world where married Senators trying to solicit sex in airport bathrooms and meeting up with girlfriends in foreign locals seems to be the norm, I understand Max Baucus’ feeling inclination towards airing his dirty laundry. But unlike some others, the Montana Democrat didn’t do anything wrong. So he nominated his girlfriend for a […]
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Bow Wow! Wow!
Posted on 23. Nov, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
Last week former Vice President Dick Cheney got in his Obama-bashing for the week by commenting on our current president’s sign of respect to Emperor Akihito on a recent visit to Japan. Cheney told that “There is no reason for an American president to bow to anyone. Our friends and allies don’t expect it, […]
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Army or Jail?
Posted on 15. Nov, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
This weekend I met a young lady who just graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point. Sitting along side of her was another older woman’s whose husband was once a career soldier. As we three discussed the young graduates propsects for the future and her fears about possibly being sent to Iraq or […]
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Remembering Who Was Lost
Posted on 08. Nov, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
In combat, by friendly fire, or a stress-related tragedy at home we cannot afford to loose any more soldiers to wars we cannot win, weather those wars are real or in the minds of our physically and emotionally overtaxed men and women serving at home and abroad. While we remember our Veterans this week, let […]
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Things I'd Rather Not See
Posted on 01. Nov, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
Sometimes Rush Limbaugh should just keep his mouth shut. As usual he was all over Obama’s trip to Dover Air Force base to view the bodies off fallen soldiers coming back Afghanistan this weekend. For once he should be able to look past his drama-queen leanings towards starting controversy where it doesn’t exist and just […]
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Got God? No, Thanks.
Posted on 26. Oct, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
Last week, the Coalition of Reason bought advertising space on the New York City subway to promote a lifestyle of godlessness. And I don’t mean that in a bad way – just the idea that its okay not to believe in God. Meanwhile there are a plethora of Christians who find this idea offensive and have […]
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Put Your Lighters Up for the Justice Department
Posted on 20. Oct, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
Yesterday, US Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., issued a memorandum to the 14 states with medical marijuana laws under their jurisdiction, stating that the government will not prosecute users and distributors on the Federal level. Weather the reason for this is because the Feds have more pressing issues at stake, or this is […]
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The Nobel Prize…and yes I know it's late.
Posted on 12. Oct, 2009 by Kaili Boyd.
I didn’t exactly intend to jump on the the Nobel Peace bandwagon so late, but as many of you know, I’m on drugs that render me pretty useless for more than about five hours a day. In any event, as usual, I haven’t read anyone elses posts on the subject so far so here we […]